Pawnee County, NE
Property Description
This property has 93 acres of pasture and timber. It has a lot of good grass, and with some cleaning up could be turned into a great pasture. There is a sucker rod cattle corral, and a cattle waterer that is hooked up to rural water. The property is a great hunting property as well.
Legal Description: A tract of land in the South half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 2 North, Range 10 East, of the 6th P.M., Pawnee County, NE.
2017 Real Estate Taxes: $2,511.16
Soils:Farm consists of Pawnee Clay Loam, Wymore Silty clay loam, Nodaway Silt Loam & Kennebec Silt Loam soils
Zoning: Ag
Possession: Immediate
Located six miles West of Pawnee, NE. Head West on highway 8 for six miles and then a quarter of a mile back North on 616 Avenue and the farm is on the West side of the road. Contact The Pinnacle Agency for more directions.